
Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Favourite Quotes

Our plans miscarry because they have no aim.
When you don't know what harbor you're
aiming for, no wind is the right wind.
The greatest discovery is that a human being can alter his life
by altering his attitudes of mind.
William James

If there is no dull and determined effort,
there will be no brilliant achievement.

He who would learn to fly
must first learn to walk and run and climb and dance;
one cannot fly into flying.

We can do anything we want if
we stick to it long enough.
Helen Keller

The merit of an action lies
in finishing it to the end.
Genghis Khan

Live every act fully,
as if it were your last.

No man ever became great except
through many and great mistakes.
William E. Gladstone

Only by great risks can
great results be achieved.

You must act as if it is
impossible to fail
Ashanti Proverb

All things at first appear difficult.
Chinese Proverb

The beginnings of all things are small.

Action must be taken at once; there
is no time to be lost.
Miguel Hidalgo

In the middle of difficulty lies
Albert Einstein

Never , never, never,  never give up.
Winston Churchill

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is
only to be understood.
Marie Curie

Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

If you are not ready today, you will
be even less ready tomorrow.

Hear and forget. See and remember.
Do and understand.
Chinese Proverb

Nothing is so difficult that it cannot be
accomplished by diligence.

Things do not happen. Things are made
to happen.
John F. Kennedy

One must learn by doing the thing: though you
think you know it, you can't be certain until you try.

Nothing would be done at all it we waited until it
could be done so well that no one could find fault
with it.
Cardinal Newman

Do the little things well now. In time great things
will be presented to you, waiting to be done.
Persian Proverb

There is no darkness but ignorance.

Happy are those who can call today their own:
who, secure within can say, tomorrow, do thy
worst, for I have lived today.

One should count each day a separate life.

Who can say with certainty that
one will live to see tomorrow?
Tibetan Proverb

No matter how hard the past, you
can always begin again today.

The beginning is the most
important part of the work.


Never put off till tomorrow , what you can do to-day

What causes procrastinations :-
  1. Fear of disapproval.
  2. Laziness
  3. Doubts
Fear of disapproval is the main cause of procrastinations. The victim of procrastination believes that even if fulfills his obligations , he would be still rejected, criticized , that's why he better decides not to try at all. But this a big mistake , he is making , it's better to try and then be disapproved than not to try at all  , because when you try something , make efforts to accomplish a task , you always get a sense of satisfaction, you go through a process which adds to your experience .It further sends positive signals to our self conscience , raising our moral. But not trying at all makes us feel guilty , it takes away our positive energy and fills negativity all around.
Sometimes we fear disapproval because of delay in the projects/tasks , but social science says that " People are generally not concerned by how long it takes to complete a task , but they are more interested in how well work is done"
Laziness , lack of physical exercises makes our spirit dull. Just like a machine requires maintenance, our body ,too requires regular physical as well mental(meditations) exercises. There is no need of spending hours for taking exercises but if you can spare and hour or a half for Yoga or other light exercises , then nothing like that.But don't expect miracles in days or few weeks , Yoga must be done for at least 6 months before you can start reaping it's results.

One must build self confidence and have a positive attitude. If you are confident and have a positive attitude then the doubts start receding away from you. Think about the solutions , find out the all sources which can help, take fresh initiatives and above all never mind failure. In fact failures are stepping stones towards success. Just don't live with your failures, they are the milestones but not the goals .We all failed  several times in various stages of life , but life don't stop , success follows failure . A failures is a failure in one aspect , but the other aspect of it is that it gives us learning , we learn the methods which do not work , next we can improve our methods, so that it works.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Is it Day or is it Night, What is it, I can’t make it out!

This is all illusion, the Maya

That which appears to be a Diamond, Might be a Fire

And that which appears to be a sparking, Might turn out to be a Star,

This is all illusion, the Maya

All faces look alike in the crowd, and how will you identify which is friend or foes

This is all illusion, the Maya